Archivos de la categoría: Geographic Information Science

Mapping with ggplot2: stat_binhex maps

Just some notes on the R code used for producing the map on my previous entry about erosion rates across the World. Sometimes, when one has a lot of points to represent on a map, they overlap in excess resulting in an over-cluttered representation that does not adequately inform about the density of points. This was the case […]

How using gridded data sets may lead to wrong conclusions about changes in climate variability

When addressing climate change and climate variability over large regions, gridded data are often preferred to station-based data because they help avoiding bias arising from the irregular spatial distribution of the observations. Gridded data refers here to spatially interpolated values from a finite set of spatially scattered individual observations, usually on a regular mesh of points or cells. Spatial interpolation […]

Modeling the spatial distribution of soil properties by Generalized Least Squares regression

Assessing the spatial distribution of soil properties has achieved considerable interest among soil scientists, both for testing hypotheses about the soil formation processes and for predicting the properties of soils at non-sampled locations (mapping). In our article recently accepted for publication in Journal of Soil and Water Conservation we discuss the main approaches to modeling […]

Post-doctoral researcher position

Applications are invited — Researcher in integrated landslide hazard analys We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher to collaborate on implementing an integrated landslide risk analysis within the EU funded research project ChangingRISKS. The post-doctoral researcher will have a leading role in the analysis of landslide hazard through numerical simulation. Coupled spatially-distributed models of slope hydrology, slope stability […]