Archivos de la categoría: Geocomputation and Numerical Modelling

Cursos de introducción y especialización en análisis espacial con R

Durante el próximo mes de junio va a tener lugar el I Curso Online de Introducción a R, co-organizado por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y la Asociación Española de Climatología (AEC) con la colaboración de la Universidad de Zaragoza, y del cual seré el profesor. El curso, con una duración estimada de 30 horas, se impartirá en […]

Unraveling the HRU water balance in SWAT (III)

End of the story (this continues the previous post). I read one year of data for one HRU from the output.hru in R (), and I applied the water balance equation described in the linked posts. This is basically the following: So, applying the previous equations I got: As it can be seen, the mass balance error (BAL) […]

Unraveling the HRU water balance in SWAT (II)

In a previous post I dug into the SWAT code for determining how was the water balance computed at the HRU level. This is done at the daily level in the code, but values in the output.hru file are usually given by months. The next question is how to compute a monthly water balance for a given HRU based […]

Unraveling the HRU water balance in SWAT (I)

There is surprisingly very few information about how to compute the water balance at the hydrologic response unit (HRU) level with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. The SWAT theoretical manual does a good job in explaining the different concepts of the hydrological simulation performed in the model, and the SWAT input/output manual details […]