Archivos de la categoría: Geocomputation and Numerical Modelling

Reading SWAT output.hru files in R

The output.hru file is one of the most important output files of the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) simulation model. It contains daily or monthly (depending on how you configured your simulation) time series of about 70 variables that are computed within the HRUs (hydrologic response units) of your simulation. The HRUs are the […]

Importar datos AEMET en formato ancho

Una pregunta recurrente es cómo importar eficientemente en R datos climatológicos en formato ‘ancho’ (del inglés wide), como los proporcionados en ocasiones por la Agencia Española de Meteorología (AEMET). Este es un ejemplo de un fichero de datos de este tipo: Estación Año  Mes 1  2  3  … 31 9245     1975 1   9  10 9  … 12 […]

SPEIbase: converting between NetCDF4 and NetCDF3 formats

A number of users of our SPEIbase dataset worried because they could not read our netCDF files in their software. Indeed, some commercial softwares such as Matlab, ArcGIS and Idrisi do not have support for NetCDF4 or did not have it until recently. The main reason for us to use netCDF4 for the SPEIbase is […]

Modeling the spatial distribution of soil properties by Generalized Least Squares regression

Assessing the spatial distribution of soil properties has achieved considerable interest among soil scientists, both for testing hypotheses about the soil formation processes and for predicting the properties of soils at non-sampled locations (mapping). In our article recently accepted for publication in Journal of Soil and Water Conservation we discuss the main approaches to modeling […]