SPEI R package, version 1.4

A new version of our SPEI R package has just been released on the CRAN site. From the NEWS file, the differences are:

1. Minor fixes to functions penman and pwm.
2. Documentation of the penman function defined by mistake ed as the saturation vapour pressure, while it should read ‘actual vapour pressure’.
3. Function zzz.R added to display basic information about the SPEI package at startup.
4. Function SPEINews added to display the NEWS file.

2 comentarios

  • hi,
    i am trying to work with SPEI 1.6 but i can’t run it with RGui software. how to start it. please help me.

  • sbegueria dijo:

    Hi Huseyin, you need to install the SPEI library within R. The only advice I can give you is to take an introductory course on R, there are a number for free out there. Good luck!

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