US corn yield and production forecast 2017

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Continuing with my crop monitoring and forecast, I will post here weekly predictions of the 2017 US corn crop. The total US corn production at the end of the season is estimated at 15,310,469 (x 1,000) bushels, or 333,339 (x 1,000) metric tons. This is a 1.6% increment with respect to last week’s estimation. As a reference, total US corn production in the period 20132016 equaled 13,828,964, 14,215,532, 13,601,964, 15,148,038 (x 1,000) bushels, or 301,084, 309,500, 296,142, 329,803, (x 1,000) metric tons, respectively.

The map above depicts the expected yields at the state level, in bushels per acre. By placing the pointer over a given state it is possible to get the numeric values of the expected yield with its prediction interval, and the anomaly in percentage over the last 5‑years average. It is possible to switch the representation between yield and anomaly. The complete data shown on the map can also be found in the table below:

Winter wheat yield forecast (July 23rd2017)
yield  PI (2.5%) PI (97.5%) 5‑y average  5‑y anomaly 
Alabama  166  148  185 
Arkansas  189  170  207 
Colorado  140  122  157  138  +1.5%
Connecticut  211  45  482 
Delaware  187  170  205 
Georgia  177  159  195 
Idaho  201  184  219 
Illinois  188  171  206  171  +10.0%
Indiana  167  150  186  157  +6.2%
Iowa  191  173  209  175  +9.0%
Kansas  143  126  162  132  +8.7%
Kentucky  161  143  178  145  +10.4%
Louisiana  181  163  200 
Maine  200  40  491 
Maryland  166  148  184 
Massachusetts  211  48  482 
Michigan  165  147  182  153  +7.3%
Minnesota  187  169  205  172  +8.6%
Mississippi  184  165  204 
Missouri  154  136  171  140  +9.7%
Montana  103  85  121 
Nebraska  173  155  191  171  +1.5%
New Hampshire  215  54  496 
New Jersey  151  133  169 
New Mexico  149  131  167 
New York  143  125  160 
North Carolina  138  121  156  127  +9.0%
North Dakota  122  104  139  128  4.9%
Ohio  167  149  185  156  +6.8%
Oklahoma  132  115  150 
Oregon  221  201  239 
Pennsylvania  149  132  166  141  +5.5%
Rhode Island  202  44  485 
South Carolina  134  113  155 
South Dakota  133  116  150  141  5.7%
Tennessee  166  148  184  144  +15.4%
Texas  150  133  167  135  +11.0%
Utah  184  165  202 
Vermont  196  34  486 
Virginia  144  126  163 
Washington  243  226  262 
West Virginia  148  130  165 
Wisconsin  165  147  183  153  +8.2%
Wyoming  153  135  170 

The expected yield informs about the development of the crop, especially if it is compared with the average of the previous years, but the yield alone does not inform about the expected winter wheat production. The final production is the result of the yield and the acreage (the area planted), which varies from year to year. By combining the expected yield with the estimated crop acreage, it is possible to estimate the production. A production map can be found below:

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Production forecasts by state can be found below:

Winter wheat yield forecast (July 23rd2017)
production  PI (2.5%) PI (97.5%) 5‑y average  5‑y anomaly 
Alabama  41,475 36,985 46,165
Arkansas  128,457 115,669 140,963
Colorado  195,849 171,072 219,994 141,072 +38.8%
Connecticut  5,269 1,119 12,046
Delaware  35,593 32,350 38,946
Georgia  65,464 58,739 72,128
Idaho  64,363 58,782 70,094
Illinois  2,126,002 1,927,236 2,331,126 2,000,960 +6.2%
Indiana  935,692 842,198 1,041,547 896,390 +4.4%
Iowa  2,572,233 2,340,002 2,819,362 2,326,120 +10.6%
Kansas  760,531 669,518 856,243 544,850 +39.6%
Kentucky  216,758 193,561 240,838 204,200 +6.1%
Louisiana  90,447 81,454 100,163
Maine  6,206 1,251 15,222
Maryland  84,573 75,550 93,771
Massachusetts  3,369 771  7,714
Michigan  411,674 367,335 454,276 334,248 +23.2%
Minnesota  1,495,621 1,354,663 1,638,116 1,363,862 +9.7%
Mississippi  103,236 92,649 114,052
Missouri  500,701 441,663 555,917 463,848 +7.9%
Montana  12,378 10,174 14,574
Nebraska  1,696,505 1,523,899 1,869,808 1,580,170 +7.4%
New Hampshire  3,232 811  7,446
New Jersey  11,461 10,138 12,846
New Mexico  20,861 18,376 23,350
New York  160,191 140,142 179,721
North Carolina  131,109 115,157 148,146 104,954 +24.9%
North Dakota  451,843 383,114 514,736 395,236 +14.3%
Ohio  593,052 528,665 657,896 544,244 +9.0%
Oklahoma  48,994 42,601 55,422
Oregon  21,000 19,136 22,692
Pennsylvania  208,773 184,456 232,618 141,898 +47.1%
Rhode Island  404  88  971 
South Carolina  45,508 38,513 52,561
South Dakota  718,919 626,260 812,695 750,236 4.2%
Tennessee  139,632 124,189 154,519 118,242 +18.1%
Texas  367,160 325,693 407,939 269,894 +36.0%
Utah  15,621 14,048 17,162
Vermont  17,634 3,062 43,754
Virginia  69,053 60,391 78,077
Washington  43,784 40,611 47,136
West Virginia  6,789 5,980 7,612
Wisconsin  668,558 596,942 740,926 477,134 +40.1%
Wyoming  14,493 12,822 16,191

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US winter wheat yield and production forecast 2017

(full size) I’ve been playing around for a while with USDA NASS crop statistics, and have built a simple yet powerful Bayesian hierarchical network for predicting crop yields early in the season. Since the first USDA winter wheat yield forecast is due in less than a week (the next crop production report is programmed on May 10th), I thought […]