SPEI R Package version 1.6

I just uploaded to CRAN the latest release of our SPEI R package, that is version 1.6. On this release we fix a number of important bugs, and made some modifications to the kern function and to the documentation. This is a list of the changes made to this version:

  1. Corrected an error in the function thornthwaite which resulted in wrong potential evapotranspiration estimates when a multivariate time series was used as input.
  2. Corrected an error in the function spi which resulted in wrong handling of zero precipitation months when using the Gamma or PearsonIII distribution.
  3. Minor fixes to the spi and plot.spei functions to correctly handle spei objects when they result from a call to spi.
  4. Modification to the kern function, which now yields kernel coefficients averaging one.
  5. Corrected an error in the functions spi and spei which resulted in ub-pwm method being used irrespective of the value of the fit parameter used, when using the ‘Gamma’ or ‘PearsonIII’ distributions.
  6. Minor changes to the documentation.

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